Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition that’s triggered by experiencing a terrifying, or life-threatening event. In fact, most individuals who experience traumatic events have temporary difficulty adjusting and coping. But, with time and good self-care, they usually get better. However, if the symptoms get worse, or are long-lasting, they can interfere with your day-to-day functioning. Seeking effective treatment after PTSD symptoms develop can be critical to reducing symptoms and improving functioning. Trauma can mean anything that causes us to stress so overwhelmingly that our physical response to it is to ‘freeze’ feeling unable to successfully overcome it. This ‘frozen’ material can often be stored in childhood and then triggered by new stress like a death, a break-up, or a car accident.

You may be experiencing PTSD if you have
  • PTSD therapy can help you process your traumatic experiences and learn new coping skills to manage your emotions and feelings and reduce or eliminate your symptoms.

  • Often, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder therapy includes cognitive processing therapy. This type of therapy helps a person understand unhelpful thinking patterns and learn new and healthier ways of thinking about a situation.

  • During cognitive processing therapy, our therapist will educate you about PTSD, explaining the nature of your symptoms and how traumatic events have affected your life. You will learn about the connections between trauma-related thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and develop skills for addressing your symptoms.

  • If you have been having difficulties recovering from a traumatic experience, disturbing thoughts, nightmares, fear, anxiety, and other uncomfortable symptoms, PTSD counseling can help.

We Now Offer A Consultation Call For PTDS Therapy

Learn more about how our PTSD therapy services can help We will match you up with a counselor who can best support your unique situation. Reach out today and book your complimentary, 15-minute consultation.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Stress Reduction Clinic offers specialized treatment for people who have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is a severe condition resulting from exposure to or witnessing traumatic events. Our well-versed counselors offer empathic interventions grounded in evidence that help individuals manage symptoms associated with PTSD and resume control over their lives. By using techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure therapy, eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR) among others, we guide clients through the process of recovering from trauma by eliminating distressing memories and symptoms while improving their general wellbeing. Whether one has intrusive thoughts or images, nightmares, heightened awareness or avoidance tendencies, we are here to support you in the journey of healing. Contact us now for details about our PTSD treatment options and to initiate the first effort to recover.

1. What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? +
It refers to a mental health condition caused by exposure to or witnessing a traumatic event. It is characterized by such symptoms as intrusions, flashbacks, nightmares and avoidances.
2. How do I know if I have PTSD? +
If you’ve undergone a traumatic experience and are experiencing symptoms such as intrusive memories, nightmares or increased anxiety, it is important to consult with a qualified psychiatrist who will evaluate and diagnose your condition as PTSD.
3. Can PTSD be treated effectively? +
Certainly, there are ways of treating PTSD that work; some patients go on to achieve substantial improvements through these interventions and support. Therapy that involves cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) as well as eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR) has proven highly efficient in healing PTSD
4.What types of therapies are offered for PTSD at the Stress Reduction Clinic? +
At the Stress Reduction Clinic, we provide evidence-based therapies for PTSD, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exposure therapy and eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR). These therapeutic approaches are tailored towards meeting specific needs of people with PTSD.
5. How long does treatment for PTSD last on average? +
The duration of treatment for PTSD may differ depending on individual needs as well as the severity of symptoms. A few sessions might be all that a few need to see some improvement, while others may take longer to recover completely.
6. Is medication prescribed at the Stress Reduction Clinic for PTSD? +
Although medication could be part of the overall therapy, the primary approach utilized by the Stress Reduction Clinic in addressing PTSD is through therapy. Our therapists work in partnership with clients in deciding what the best treatment options are.
7.Can nightmares and flashbacks be helped by PTSD treatment at the Stress Reduction Clinic? +
Yes, therapy through the Stress Reduction Clinic helps individuals suffering from PTSD to deal with related symptoms like nightmares and flashbacks and teach them how to cope with it and reduce any distressing symptoms by addressing their traumatic experiences.
8.Is treatment for PTSD at the Stress Reduction Clinic confidential? +
Yes, keeping our conversations confidential is very important in therapy. Your privacy and confidentiality are strictly protected by professional and ethical standards, as well legal regulations.
9.Can family members join therapy sessions at the Stress Reduction Clinic for people who have experienced trauma? +
Family therapy is a kind of treatment that may involve other members of the family.“Family therapy can also help improve communication, understanding and support in the family system.”
10. How do I schedule an appointment for PTSD treatment at the Stress Reduction Clinic? +
Booking an appointment is straightforward. Our clinic can be reached via telephone or email to organize your first evaluation with a PTSD treatment counselor amongst our therapists. We will help you get through this by scheduling an appointment that suits your needs best.